Sesungguhnye aku telah demam... bukanlah demam kepialu, AF mahupon kure-kure.. akan tetapi demam citer korea & demam nak balik.. ehehe.. ngengade lak si arpah ni..
Citer Korea:
Ni akibat dok lepak bilik si azrin aa ni, dah jangkit penyakit dier ni.. tapi aku rase aku tak la sekronik mane... Aku mmg sangat tak gemar ngan citer2 bersiri ni, bukan per.. tak larat aku nak tunggu citernye abis.. cukup le skali aku melayan citer2 zaman Oshin dulu.. yang tah brape ratus episode tah.. Seb baek Full House ni dier kasik skali 11 episode, aku abiskan 1 dvd 1 hari.. Overall ok la... Typical korean Love stories, macam gak My Sassy Girl, kalo couple tu baju mmg musti ala-ala sama....sweet aa tu.. ehehe.. , citer type2 tangkap nangis aa.. cam gak A Moment to Remember... aku rase citer korea yang aku tak nangis cume A story of Successful Girl je... tu pon pasal tgok reramai kat celey... eheheh.. *Gembeng tol aa...
Yeay, tadik hantar barang secara express ke Safestore walaupon bukan turn aku nak hantar barang, patutnye aku MOnday ni... tapi dah barang dok2 Monte sikit sgt, terpakse la angkut akunye yg dah siap pack.. ni ader lagi 3-4 kotak plus duvet, cermin & hanger... huhuhu.. terpakse la buat trip lagi esok... haiyaa. Esok nak hantar computer ni kat umah orang, so ni last time la nak berpoya-poya ngan comp ni.. eheheh..
Tadi timbang beg, ehehe.. 26kg ok.. best2 tanak tambah dah.. sbb ni pon dah takley tutup dah.. cukup seksa nak tutup tadi.. Hand luggage aku plak dah 17kg.. sile2 kang ader yang patah tgn.. uhuhuh...
1. Mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati...
2. Aku nak balikkk
I'm not home yet!! huwwaaa... nak balik!!
Sambung pack barang balik, after tergendala selama beberapa hari akibat Family Day (yang telah membuatkan aku terpaksa berjemur & akibatnye = SUNBURN huwwaa..) Sure bapak aku kutuk aa.. "Ni balik UK ke ulu kelang?" huhuhuhuh.. senyum jer la kalo dah kene...huhuh.. Family Day okla, cume start lambat... orang malas nak kuar awal kut... takpon sume bukannye nak main game, nak makan jer... nak kater ape kan?? nak kater keji kang.. terase lak... lantak korg la..asal aku dah buat keje... Nak letak ke gamba? aku malas nak upload... hehehe..
Pasal my financial probs, dah setel dah... pinjam dari Along, Angah, kak cik ehehehe.. tak de... aku Pinjam Dari kak De (ahahah...jgn mare..) Thanks so much la... terharu aku.. huhuhuh... ape? takyah bayar balik?? betol ke??? Waaahhh time kasey kak De!! Nnti aku blanje ko mkn... ape? tanak jugak?? Hmmm taper la camtu...
eehhehe... memain jer...
1. Aku itam sekarang
2. Accom dah setel
3. Pekerjaan tetap aku skrg adelah pack barang... eheheh
4. Kak De = Yatie
Bile aku datang kat sini, semua berubah.. not all la kan.. sesikit la... Hampir sume yang aku biaser buat masa kat Malaysia dulu dah tader dah... Hmm..rindu ke ngan my other life? Memang rindu...
Rindu nak balik kampung.. walaupon kampung aku dah tak macam kampung dah..
Rindu kedai Alam Ria tu.. Rindu mexican Bun.. hmmm (gemok le aku...)
Rindu Lawak saiko abah... Rindu citer mak, tolun dier jahit.. (aku tatau jahit sgt.. sesikit tu tau la..)
Rindu takyah pikir pasal duit, pasal bank bergerak mamang selalu disisi.. baik nak beli ais krim mahupon cd... Aduih.. bile la nak balik ni... huhuhu
Sure parents aku expect aku dah berubah, makin berdikari ke.. matang ke.. comel lagi ke.. huhuhuhu.. Tapi aku rase aku tak berubah pon... even dah 21..
If you wondering what happened after my last entry... hmmm nothing much... I'm thinking of giving the Accom Office thire cheque on 20 or 21.. eventhough there is no money in the account... ehehe.. lantak le.. Hopefully they'll cash the cheque after 29... is it possible? I hope so... From my observations, the Hartley Reception will cash in the cheque on Thursdays.. takes from 8 to 15 days... Since the Accom Office is known for it's "Lembap"ness, hope it will take more than that... Solat Hajat aa pasni
Dah sesiap nak gi town, dalam kepala dah ader la list barang yang nak beli.. tetibe tak jadi la... confirm aku tak kuar dah untuk beli barang dapur & sebagainye... (walaupon kat dapur tu ader sebijik telur, 2 ketul ayam, 6 ketul sosej, 1 packet pasta, 2 packet bubur, 1 packet kuah satay & 2 packet serunding... aik!! banyak gak...hmmm)
Tetibe tadi rase macam tengah galas beg berisi batu, pastu kepala kene hempap batu lak lagi.... aduhaii... Ni le akibatnye tak berjaga-jaga... Haritu aku dah calculate dah sume, rerase cukup le nak balik summer ni dengan syarat tader beli ape-ape extra dah... Tetiba satu berita hinggap kat lubang telinga nih... Takyah bayar Accom yang £150 tuh... Suruh Accom Office mintak kat sponsor... aku pon ngan senang hati & Happynye gi la shopping Sabtu hari tu... kat Portsmouth lagik... sure abis dlm £100 nye.. (coklat & everything)
Hari ni gi Accom Office nak suruh le dier claim kat sponsor... Tetibe pompuan tu kater... Deorang dah tak buat camtu dah.. pasal lambat.. suruh aku claim sendirik plak... (kalu claim sendirik tu, kene gune duit sendirik dulu la... Ape nih??? Huhuhuhu)
Aku serious tatau nak buat ape ni... hmmm tadik dlm nak jalan balik, memacam idea kuar kat kepala nih.. Seperti:
1) Bagi check tendang ke kat Accom Office
2) Nak mintak HSBC naikkan Credit Card Limit aku..(very unlikely to happen..)
3) Aplly Credit Card lain (takes 1-2 weeks, tu pon kalo dier tak silap hanto kat m'sia)
4) Mintak Sponsor bayar claim letrik aku cepat, before 21 (memang takkan terjadi la...)
5) Pinjam duit dak2 Soton yang kaye raye skrg... sorang 50 ke, 25 pon ok...
6) Pinjam kat orang yang ader Credit Card Limit banyak...
7) Mintak sedekah depan Accom Office (nnti dier nak halau leh aa ckp, ni nak bayar kat korang aa ni.. so shut up!!.. ahahah)
8) Keje sementara.. (kalo keje, dapat gaji bile dah 3 bulan keje.. tak logik2)
9) Bebuat mintak tukau hall, pastu nnti sure dier amik masa nak decide & nak bagi offer.. (so I could buy time sampai 29 June..bile gaji masuk)
10) Jual barang2 yang aku tamau kat e-bay (aku tatau nak jual weih...)
11) Jual Organ.. (macam Onizuka nak buat mase dier nak kumpul 5 mil utk gi Osaka.. ahahha bukan setakat leh bayar duit Accom, beli keter pon bley...)
12) Call abah, cakap tader duit.. (adeh.... tanak le yang ni... sian duh.. tgh hujung bulan ni... aku sesak, sier pon sesak gak..)
Ok, tu ajer yang aku leh recall balik, tapi aku sure at least ader 2 ke 3 lagi sebenarnye.. tapi tutttt.. takley cakap aaa.. ehehehe
Kepada sesape yang baca ni.. please aa bagi cadangan ape yang patut aku buat.... JUst State number brape punye cadangan kat shout box... ehehe.. macam polling plak... ahahaha
Jangan cepat sangat percaya cakap orang, check sendirik lain kali... bukan maksud takley percaya orang tu.. takut news tu tak up to date...
Sorry for the late entry guys..ehehe enjoying my freedom right after the Energy & Systems paper.. The girls & me went to Safestore to book a room for this incoming summer hols.. Cost about £30 per person.. quite ok for someone as broke as me... huhuhu..
Since I locked myself from the outside world for about 3 weeks, not having any decent meals except for couple of toast per day plus drammatically reduced my sleeping time.. I'm not myself anymore..huhhu..
Took the bus for the first time in 3 weeks and gues what? I've become a SAKAI!! as my dad would say for someone that uncomfortable & feeling dizzy just by sitting in a moving vehicle... huhuh I think I need that motion sickness pills everytime I want to take the bus.
Tomorrow I'm going for a picnic! Yess.. need some air & sun.. but not to much of sun please...
Tagged by Alifah & Layen...
Total volume of music files on my computer:
12.9mb only... yess.. I'm not a big fan of music.. and rarely know who sings what... hopeless I say..
Last CD I bought:
Hmmm?? Really-really don't know & not sure... because u see, I got a mom who will gladly pay for these movie cds.. plus, I got a sister that is muvie freak.. so, I don't need to buy it because there's always someone who's going to
Song playing right now:
Your Song - Ewan McGregor & Alessandro Safina
It's one of the Moulin Rouge's Soundtrack..
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
1. Motherland - Crystal Kay ( Fullmetal Alchemist )
2. Since you been gone - Kelly Clarkson
3. Sepet's closing song - by Sam something... I don't know the title or who actually sings it.. ahahah bantai la
4. Come what may - Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman ( Moulin Rouge)
5. I Found you - Ikrom (ahahaa.. recorded it when he sings it to me...heheeh)
Five people to whom i'm passing the baton:
1. Ikrom
2. Aisyah
3. Dilla (aku tau ko tader blog dah.. ahahahha)
4. Azrin
5. Nikman Shah
Huhuhu... walaupon aku berniat untuk meletakkan entry ni lepas exam, tapi aku pikir balik... aku cakap lepas exam ape tak??? ahahhaha jahat aa kepala nihh!!!
Taper la, aku nak meluahkan perasaan agar menjadi peringatan untuk diri ni di masa hadapan...fuhhh!!
Arfa, lain kali study la awal-awal.... Datang kelas, tanye lecturer memaner yang tak paham... Buat latihan, jangan la tunggu lagi 2 minggu nak exam baru nak mengenal rupe bentuk soklannye... Brape soklan nak jawab pon baru tau... camner nih???
Sekarang sape susah?? Dah tak paham, pastu tak penah lak tengok formulae nih... Nak tanye pon tatau ape nak tanye.. Pasal satu bende pon tak paham.. Nak suruh ajar balik, cam rajin jer mamat tu nak ajar.. Dier pon bengang gaknye kalo aku cakap.. " Ermm.. Dr, sebenarnye saye tak paham satu hape pon yang Dr ajar dari first kelas.. bley tak kirenye atas jasa baik & budi perkerti Dr untuk mengajar saye semula secara express??.. Lebey molek kirenye Dr kasik contoh-contoh soklan yang nak kuar exam ni..."
Huhuhu... desperate thingking of a human being...
Menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudian jadi macam saye
Name: Tido Alchemist
Bdae: 14 Feb 1984
Nicks: Arfa
Skool:Soton uni
Contact Me: @zazu
[[My Adores]]
Food: Mum's Cooking
Drinks: Cendol
Pastimes: Hmm..?
People: No comment
Animal: Any furry animal cam cc plak bunyinye
[[My Detests]]
People: Ehem..ehem..
Animal: Lizard & Frogs
Food: None
[[Ariel Lin: Fei Ni Mou Shu]]